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  Hey everyone! I’m Haley and I am the owner and head trainer at The Superior K9. I’m here for you and your dog!

  At an early age in life I knew that I wanted to dedicate my life to dogs. As a young child we had a wonderful young former street dog named Jesse. Sadly, my family had decided to rehome him due to behaviors that presented over time. I will never forget the feeling I had when Jesse had to go to another home He pulled on my dress that morning before daycare and his eyes knew something was going to change. My family told me that we had to send him away because we didn't know how to change the street dog in him. They told me not to worry there are plenty more out there, and we can keep trying until we find a good one. Even at that age I couldn't understand how disposable dogs were. That is when I decided to give the "disposable dogs" a chance.

  I have been blessed to be able to travel around the country, which has enabled me to work with many families that have gone through the same struggles and heartache that I had encountered as a child. Through this journey I have learned that it is more often just a simple miscommunication between a dog and the family. This is simply from the lack of knowledge and built up frustration on both sides, dog and human. By helping close the gap in communication and empowering dog owner, the dog that was once considered a throw away, is now a superstar.

  To further my understanding of the dogs that are often given away or taken to a shelter, I submersed myself in the world of shelter and rescue work. After working with several shelters/rescues in CO, WY, TN, KY, AL, FL, GA, and TX I wanted to learn even more, so I started using these dogs in a rescue situations by helping them become service dogs.  These dogs that went from the most undesirable to the most desirable canines. As I continued my education, I graduated from ABC (Animal Behavioral College), interned with some of the best in the field, completed seminars that helped me learn training methods that yielded positive results. 

  I founded The Superior K9 to help empower and strengthen the bond and relationship between human and dog. I can help you both reach your goals! I’d like the opportunity to show you how easy and trainable your dog can be! Your dog is trainable! No matter the situation, the issue, or series of events, I know I can help you succeed. I want to be your last stop shop for all your dog's needs! We can help with the smallest of puppy problems, leash handling, agility, nervousness and aggression! I want you to experience the same enjoyment and freedom with your dog that you have always dreamed of. I look forward to transforming not only your dog's life but yours as well.

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